Sample Leer/Template for Requesng Employer Support for Harvard
Extension School Tuion
[Insert Date]
[Insert Company Name]
[Insert Company Address]
[Insert City, State, Zip]
Dear [Insert Name of Supervisor/HR Director],
I hope this leer nds you well. I am wring to express my strong interest in pursuing a [name
of degree/cercate/microcercate] at Harvard Extension School and to request [Name of
Company]s support in the form of tuion reimbursement as I embark on this educaonal
As you are aware, connuous learning is an essenal component of personal and professional
growth. I’m condent that gaining addional knowledge and skills in my eld will help me
contribute further to the success of our company. Harvard Extension School’s program aligns
perfectly with my career goals and our company's objecves.
Here are some key points regarding my request for tuion reimbursement:
Program Details: I plan to enroll in the [Name of Degree Program/Cercate] at
Harvard Extension School. This program will provide me with advanced knowledge and
experse in [Specify the subject or eld] that is directly applicable to my current role as
[Current Job Title].
Relevance: The knowledge and skills I will acquire through this program will enable me
to make more signicant contribuons to our company, such as [Highlight specic
projects or responsibilies where your enhanced knowledge will be benecial].
Commitment: I am commied to balancing my work responsibilies with my pursuit of
higher educaon. Harvard Extension School specically serves students seeking part-
me, online programs to advance their careers, and courses are designed to oer
immediate impact in the workplace.
Cost: The total cost of tuion and related expenses for the program is [Specify the total
cost]. I kindly request nancial assistance in covering these costs through [Name of
Company]s tuion reimbursement program.
Reimbursement Terms: I am aware of our company's policy on tuion reimbursement,
and I am willing to adhere to all the terms and condions associated with this program.
Benet to the Company: By invesng in my educaon, [Company Name] will not only
foster employee development but also gain access to the latest industry knowledge and
best pracces, which can ulmately lead to improved performance and compeveness.
Thank you for taking the me to consider my request. Please let me know if I can provide any
addional informaon you may require to make an informed decision. I look forward to
speaking with you about this in more detail.
[Your Name]
[Job Title]
[Employee ID, if applicable]
[Phone] [Email Address]