The Parents’ Guide to High School Esports
Esports is growing, fast.
Esports has become an officially sanctioned high school sport, and players across the country
are changing what it means to be a student-athlete. To help parents in this new journey,
PlayVS and the NFHS have put together this helpful guide.
I. About Esports
II. Benefits of Esports
III. Esports in Education
IV. Esports Safety [email protected]
About Esports
What is esports?
Esports officially stands for electronic sports, not to be
confused with video games. Esports takes video gaming to
another level with organized competitive gameplay
between two teams, governed by its own strict set of rules
and guidelines. The difference is comparable to a pick-up
basketball game at a park versus a varsity high school
basketball game. Esports requires teamwork,
communication, critical and strategic thinking, creativity,
sportsmanship, and leadership — much like traditional
What does the high school experience look like?
Like any other high school sport or extracurricular activity, your student will attend team meetings, practices,
and official matches. However, since esports is played online, there is no travel required throughout the regular
season. Players compete from their respective campus, supervised by a coach. Currently through PlayVS,
students can compete in teams of five for League of Legends and SMITE, and teams of three for Rocket
League, three of the most popular titles in esports. Each school year is divided into two regular seasons, Fall
and Spring, each with their own playoff season.
Regular Season
Playoff Season
Weekly matches and practices
On campus, no travel
State rankings
Top teams compete
Single elimination
Online finals
What equipment does my student need to participate?
Many school computer labs or libraries already have the equipment needed to participate on campus. All your
student needs to compete is a PC, keyboard, and mouse. Additional equipment includes a headset with mic,
jerseys, and game controllers.
With their PlayVS season pass, students will receive in-game perks and free copies of games for an even
playing field. [email protected]
Esports Benefits
Esports requires a tremendous amount of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity from
players to achieve and sustain success. It reaches beyond traditional sports to create an all-inclusive
environment that breaks barriers.
Sense of Community
A Pew Research Report states that video games
play a vital role in teen friendships. The
inclusiveness and accessibility of esports allow
students to come together over a common
passion while providing access to a positive
adult mentor in their lives.
84% of Season Zero players
reported they finally found a
community they could connect
Character Development
There will inevitably be challenges and early
failures, but players who demonstrate grit and
adapt/learn will typically succeed in esports.
Fortunately, these attributes are exactly what
employers and colleges are telling high schools
they are looking for in recent graduates.
Increase Participation
There is a strong correlation between student
engagement and student achievement. NCES
reported that students who participated in
extracurricular activities perform higher on
math and reading assessments.
STEM Engagement
The amount of technology involved with esports
enables students to practice and develop STEM
skills. Students spend hours analyzing data,
game statistics, and strategies, which provide
real-world experience and application.
“The kids that are participating here
have dramatically pulled up their
grades to be eligible. It gives this small
group a reason to come to school.”
Coach Catherine Turner
Lafayette High School, GA [email protected]
Esports in Education
We firmly believe that esports has a place in education. It provides many opportunities for growth and learning,
such as the creation and practice of “soft skills,” including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and
creativity. Many of the same skills that employers are looking for in recent graduates.
Scholarship Opportunities
Esports can provide a gateway to colleges and
universities. The National Association of Collegiate
Esports (NACE), the main governing body for varsity
collegiate esports, has awarded millions of dollars
in esports scholarships and aid over the last five
years. Currently, more than 200 colleges and
universities offer nearly 15 million dollars in
Esports majors and careers are becoming
increasingly more accessible. There are growing
opportunities to find employment in esports-related
careers. These opportunities include broadcasting,
marketing, graphic design, multimedia production,
hospitality, coaching, and management.
Esports Embody ISTE Standards
Empowered Learner
Digital Citizen
Knowledge Constructor
Innovative Designer
Computational Thinker
Creative Communicator
Global Collaborator
More than 200 colleges and
universities offer nearly 15 million
dollars in scholarships. [email protected]
Esports Safety
What are these games rated?
All games offered to high school students for competition purposes are either rated
"T for Teen" -- games that are appropriate for students 13 years or older -- or "E for
Everyone" -- games for all ages. Players must be 13 years or older to participate in
the PlayVS high school leagues.
Should I be worried that my student is playing too much?
The amount of screen time should always be discussed and monitored. Just as in traditional sports,
student-athletes must find a balance between practice, games, school work, rest, proper nutrition, social time,
and, of course, sleep. One of the benefits of joining a formal esports team is that rules and practice schedules
can be set and monitored regarding how much students can play during the week and on weekends. Setting
clear guidelines for device and computer-free times and zones in your home will help your student find a
proper balance between all of their interests.
Additionally, with an esports coach, parents are able to discuss concerns and develop plans with them to help
students stay on top of academics and extracurricular activities.
About PlayVS
PlayVS is building the infrastructure and platform for amateur esports, starting with high schools. We work
directly with game publishers and states to build and operate sanctioned leagues across the country.
Through the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), PlayVS is empowering students to
compete in esports on behalf of their high school, with the opportunity to win a championship, just like any
other youth sport. Contact your local school’s principal or athletic director to get a program started and learn
more at [email protected]