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Permission for undergraduates to
register for graduate course
Undergraduates may request to enroll in graduate courses that are well suited to their programs of study.
This opportunity is available to seniors whose academic achievement makes graduate-level work
appropriate. This policy applies to graduate courses with course numbers of 4000 and above. Some
3000-level courses are approved for either undergraduate or graduate credit. Undergraduate courses
may not be taken for graduate credit.
Graduate courses for undergraduate credit.
Students must be classified as a senior and have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. The student
must obtain approval of the course instructor; chair or program director of the graduate program; Office of
Graduate Studies; and the student's major advisor. Graduate courses taken for undergraduate credit may
not be subsequently used to satisfy graduate requirements unless the student is in an approved dual
undergraduate/graduate degree program.
Graduate courses for graduate credit.
Students who have been admitted to a DU graduate program do not require permission to register for a
graduate course for graduate credit. Otherwise, undergraduate students must be classified as a senior
and have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. The student must obtain approval of the course
instructor; chair or program director of the graduate program; and Office of Graduate Studies. Courses
taken for graduate credit may not be used to satisfy undergraduate requirements unless the student is in
an approved dual undergraduate/graduate degree program.
Enter all required information below. Obtain required signatures. Submit form to Office of the Registrar.
Name DU ID #
Term CRN
Course Title
Reasons for taking the course:
This is to request that the graduate course listed above be allowed to count toward my
undergraduate degree. I understand that, by doing this, the course cannot be applied to a
graduate degree program. Obtain approvals 1 – 4 below.
This is to request that the graduate course listed above be allowed to count toward a graduate
degree program should I ever apply and be accepted into a graduate program. I understand that,
by doing this, the course cannot be applied to satisfy any undergraduate degree requirements.
Obtain approvals 1, 2 and 4 below.
1. Instructor Date
2. Chair/Director Date
3. Advisor Date
4. Office of Graduate Studies Date
Requirements verified and processed by Registrar Date
Updated 2/14/18