Excel Tip: Counting the number of items in a multi value cell
Some iSearch fields contain multiple values when downloaded, for example, the number of
Authors for a Publication, as shown in the example below.
There are ways to answer these questions using iSearch. The unwind feature available in the
.csv download enables the user to create a row for each value in a multi valued cell but this
increases the size of the dataset and may not be helpful depending on the analytical question
being investigated. There is also a “count of pubs” field in iSearch: Grants that that can be
included in a download.
The method and formula
The individual values are separated by a ‘;’ so to know how many unique values there are it is
possible to count the number of times ‘;’ appears in the cell and add one to the total (for the
last value in the list).
There is no simple formula to count the number of times a character appears in a cell, but it is
possible using a combination of Excel formulas:
The LEN formula counts the total number of characters in a cell.
The SUBSTITUTE formula replaces a specific character in a cell with another character
So counting the number of characters in a cell and comparing that to the count without any “;”
(it is replaced by “” i.e. removed) gives the number of times “;” appears in the cell. Note that
the last value is not followed by “;” so it is necessary to add one to the result.
Formula 1: =LEN(D2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D2,";",""))+1
This formula works for any field where every record has at least one value (see below, counting
the number of PIs on each grant.
The basic version of the formula will not work where there are blank cells, for example counting
the number of PMIDs linked to a Grant as the LEN and SUBSTITUTE formula will return 0 and
then add 1 to it. To correct the results for blank values, the formula above can be nested within
an IF statement:
Formula 2: =IF(I2="",0,LEN(I2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(I2,";",""))+1)
So if the cell is empty the count is set to zero, otherwise the formula will count the “;”s and
provide a number of values in the cell. This formula is used to calculate the number of PMIDs in
the example below.
Note that Formula 2 could also be used in place of Formula 1 in the PI example and would give
the same result.
Note: Care needs to be taken when using this formula on iSearch downloads and IMPACII
There are limits on the number of characters Excel will accept in a field, so for Grants
with thousands of linked publications, the list of PMIDs will be truncated.
There may be duplicate Authors / PIs linked to a single publication / grant. Counting the
number of items in the field would potentially double count and inflate the numbers.
PMIDs are linked to core grants so counting multiple ApplIDs within a core grant number
will potentially lead to double counting.
As with any analysis, quality checking of the underlying data is important.
If you are having problems, contact OPA training: [email protected]