New Horizons Regional Education Centers
Career and Technical Education Center –CTEC
Introduction to Early Childhood, Education, and Services Program &
Early Childhood, Education, and Services I
TNCC CHD 120 and CHD 165
Student Syllabus (Course #8234 and #8285)
Instructor: Teri Bane
(757)874-4444 ext. 5591
Course Description:
Students in grades 11-12, who are interested in working professionally with young
children, may enroll in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. Students focus on careers
related to the early childhood field through hands-on exploration, projects, and cooperative
learning experiences, including an overview of principles of child growth and development;
appreciation of diversity; engaging learning experiences for children; principles of appropriate
and effective guidance; healthy and safe environment; and development of self-concepts and
building self-efficacy. As well as, observe and participate in early childhood settings.
AAFCS (American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) National Early Childhood
Education Competency Assessment,
College Credits:
CHD 120: 3 credits and CHD 165: 3 credits= 6 Credits
Required Textbook:
Text- Working with Young Children, Judy Herr and Student Activity Guide-Working with
Young Children, Judy Herr
Additional readings:
The Developing Child, Brisbane; Child Care Administration, Linda and
Alan Nelson; Early Childhood Education Today, Morrison; and Caring for the Developing Child,
Marhoefer and Vadnais
Program Goal
The goal of the Early Childhood program is to ensure that the student is trained in a
quality Child Care environment. Students in grades 11-12, who are interested in working
professionally with young children, may enroll in the Early Childhood Education (ECE)
program. This program is theory based; along with hands-on experiences.
Students are expected to plan and prepare developmentally appropriate activities. As
well as, implement these activities with a team in our mock laboratory. The mock lab is
organized into learning centers to permit hands-on learning and exploration with a variety of
materials. Individual differences are acknowledged through the levels of materials offered. This
instruction will assist with the off-site Early Childhood experience. Students are expected to
complete an observation/shadowing/internship experience in a chosen area of careers involving
children within a Childcare Center or Elementary School setting.
Early Childhood Personnel:
Teri Bane, Early Childhood Education Instructor #874-4444 ext.5591
Hours of Instruction:
**Two semesters@ 2 hours 20 minutes a day Monday through Friday for
180 days. **
7:40 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.
General Course Purpose:
CHD 120-Introduces early childhood development through activities and experiences in early
childhood, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and primary programs. Investigates classroom
organization and procedures, and use of classroom time and materials, approaches to education
for young children, professionalism, and curricular procedures. CHD 165-Students observe and
participate in early childhood settings such as: child care centers, preschools, Montessori schools
or public school settings. Pre-Kindergarten through third grade.
Course Objectives:
1. To plan a safe and healthy learning environment.
2. To understand steps to advance children’s physical and intellectual development.
3. To teach positive ways to support children’s social and emotional development.
4. To establish positive and productive relationships with families.
5. To learn strategies to manage an effective program of operation.
6. To prepare for the profession.
7. To observe and record children’s behavior.
8. To understand the principles of child growth and development.
1. A tuberculosis screening is mandatory.
All students must submit documentation of a
negative Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) or TB shot conducted within the last two
2. All students must be capable of carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities,
willing to accept training and supervision, being flexible, and able to communicate
orally and in writing.
3. Attendance-
To learn you must attend class. All students are expected to attend classes
promptly every day and to remain for the entire class period. Success in school and in
employment depends upon punctual and regular attendance.
Five (5) absences mean No
Credit for the marking period and three (3) tardies or early dismissals equal an absence.
However, Home School absences (i.e. field trips, sports activities, etc...) are not included
in these absences.
**Absence on your
lab day will result in a “0” for the day
(except with an excuse according to
New Horizons Handbook.
4. Grading- Grades are based on three areas: Employability, Related
Instructions, and Competencies.
Grading Scale:
80-89 =B
70-79 =C
60-69 =D
Below 60=F
In order to receive a certificate for Early Childhood Education you must pass the class,
complete 40 hours working directly with children and pass 80% of the state approved
34% of your grade is based on what we consider “work habits”
(employability skills). The
following is a list of the Employability, skills that you will be graded on daily in the classroom
and laboratory:
1. Communication
2. Use of time
3. Cooperation
4. Follow instructions
5. Work independent
6. Care of workplace
7. Safety
8. Appearance
9. Problem-solving
10. Bring materials
33% of your grade is based on (related instruction) which may include projects, tests,
quizzes, worksheets, and/or laboratory experience.
The 33% is as follows:
15% Tests
6% Quiz
6% Lesson Plans
4% Projects
2% other related items
33% of your grade is based on (competencies) which involve various tasks that are relevant
to the role of an early childhood teacher (hands-on assignments).
In order to receive credit the student must pass 80% of the state approved competencies.
5. Observation/shadowing/internship-
You must complete an observation, shadowing, and
internship experience. Students will spend a total of 40 hours in the field during this
school year.
6. Materials-
Every student must have the appropriate supplies for the Early Childhood
Education program. These supplies will help you in developing your resource file, your
portfolio, and in preparing for the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute
(NOCTI) examination.
You must have the following:
*1 Loose leaf three ring binder *Resource box/Craft box
Dividers *Construction paper
Pen/Pencils *Crayons
Paper *Set of colored markers/Sharpies
*Glue or glue sticks *Scotch tape/masking tape
*2 Journal/Marble notebooks *1 Ream/pack of white copy paper
**These items are very important in working in our program, so you will be graded
periodically on your supplies.
7. Course Fees-
All students are responsible for the following fees:
$17.00 FCCLA dues
$12.00 Food Handlers Card
$60.00 CPR/First Aid certification
Fees total $89.00
** Students driving to New Horizons must purchase a parking decal $25.00, lost decals $15.00,
and temporary for one day $2.00.